The Pawtucket Foundation is prepared to accept donations or pledges online, by phone or check.Online donations up to $4,000 may be made with all major credit cards using the "Donate" button on this page.We welcome larger contributions over the phone or by check.
EndowmentContributions to the Pawtucket Foundation's endowment help to sustain the mission of the organization in perpetuity. Funds are strategically invested to ensure the Pawtucket Foundation exists for generations to come. To give an Endowment Gift, please visit our Giving page; mail to P.O. Box 515 Pawtucket RI 02860 or call us at (401) 725-4400 for more information or when considering estate planning.General ContributionsAll contributions make a positive impact in the community; your contribution to The Pawtucket Foundation will be used to support our advocacy and economic development planning. Please visit our Giving page to make a contribution; mail to P.O. Box 515 Pawtucket RI 02860 or call us at (401) 725-4400 for more information. General Contributions are donations that do not fit into the Pawtucket Foundation’s membership categories, event sponsorships or endowment gifts.